Most scars give the appearance of craters of blemishes on the skin’s surface. Acne, however, can lead to the formation of painful scars named keloids. It can also create pink, red, or purple spots on the skin. Since they fade over time, these spots are not the scars. But acne causes more than just scars on the skin. It can inflame and infect the tissues under the skin. Acne scars are the result of severely inflamed lesions like cyst, pustule, and papule. When the acne breakouts start penetrating the skin deeply, they damage the tissues beneath the skin as well. As the acne starts to clear, the body’s collagen production will be repairing this damage. If there is too little collagen, the scars can get depressed. If there is too much collagen, the scars can get raised. But not to worry, as there are several options for Acne Scar treatment in Dubai.

When the lesions start clearing, the skin reacts with post-acne hyperpigmentation. This means that the inflammation has led the skin to turn colored or dark at the place where the lesion was present. These spots will start looking to look like scars. But they are not real scars as they fade over time. However, without a serious treatment, the fading process can take several years.

Types of Acne Scars

Acne scars are of two types:

  1. Keloid or hypertrophic scarring
    This scarring is caused when as the acne wound is healing, the body is producing too much collagen. This results in a mass of raised tissue on the surface of the skin.
  2. Depressed or atrophic scarring
    These scars are caused when the tissues are lost. These are of two types as well. Icepick scars are small but obvious holes present in the skin. Boxcar scars are round or oval-shaped depressed areas with steeply angled sides. They are similar to chickenpox scars.

Preventing Acne Scars

There is no sure-shot way of preventing scarring. However, there are some steps you can take for minimizing the possibility of developing acne scars:

  • Treating acne as soon as it starts developing
  • Avoiding inflammation by using harsh skincare products or scrubbing the skin too hard
  • Never pop, squeeze, or pick at pimples or scabs
  • Know if you are more vulnerable to scarring
  • See a specialist as soon as you see deep, large breakouts or acne cysts

Treatment of Acne Scars

The Wellbeing Clinic offers several options for Acne Scar treatment in Dubai. The option that is recommended to you depends on the type of scar and its severity. Here are the available treatment options:

  1. Microdermabrasion
    This is definitely one of the most effective treatments for common, pockmark-type acne scars. The specialist will be using very small particles or a wand tipped with diamonds for removing the top layer of the skin literally. This encourages the growth of new skin cells. This also helps in making the scars less visible, thus evening out the texture of the skin. After the procedure, there will be no side effects, except temporary skin redness. Also, you won’t be needing any pain-deadening medication.
  2. CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing
    This is one of the best laser treatments for acne scars. Also known as a laser peel, this is the most result-oriented and demanded cosmetic treatment for acne scars. It removes the skin’s damaged outer layer and rejuvenates the skin. It is also responsible for stimulating the collagen production that brings out smooth and younger-looking skin.
  3. Dermapen Microneedling
    This is an effective and convenient way of treating acne scars. During the procedure, adjustable needles are used to perform needle dermabrasion. The needles are penetrated to the controlled depth in the dermis. The dermis will suffer through multiple micro bruises, that starts the collagen production and growth factor release. You will be able to see the initial results in 4 to 6 weeks. It will take 3 months for the results to take full effect.
  4. Chemical Peels
    This is an aesthetic treatment option for acne scars and is also known for improving the color and texture of the skin. It removes the skin’s outer layers that are damaged by severe acne, scarring, pigmentation, and skin. There are different peels that can be used for your issues. TCA peels and mild peels are used for removing age spots, freckles, sunspots and also reduce melasma pigmentation considerably. After the chemical peel treatment, you will have to moisturize your skin daily and avoid direct sun exposure.
  5. Dermal Fillers
    This treatment option is used for mildly and moderately depressed acne scars. This is a painless and non-invasive treatment method that gives temporary results.

To know more about Acne Scar Treatment in Dubai, visit the Wellbeing Clinic today!